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Texans finally trade Clowney, and it is yet another bad move

Houston Texans player Jadeveon Clowney
Photo by Michelle Watson/Catchlight Group

The saga that was Jadeveon Clowney versus Bill O'Brien has finally come to an end. Word came down that the Texans have moved the talented edge rusher to the Seattle Seahawks. They get a third round pick, linebacker Jacob Martin, and edge rusher Barkevious Mingo in return. The will he/won't he back and forth has played out over the last couple seasons. Clowney played last season under the fifth year option on his rookie deal and was franchise tagged for this coming season. He refused to sign the tender after not coming to agreement with the Texans on a long-term extension. This was among the rumored reasons Brian Gaine was fired. But why not make this move earlier to get back a bigger haul?

Playing checkers, or really bad chess

The Texans organization has a history of playing checkers, or really bad chess when it comes to making moves. This trade is no different. I said this over a year ago that they need to trade Clowney if they know they don't want to give into his potential contract demands. But what did they do instead? Sit on their thumbs and wait until the situation was a total cluster before they made a move. that's how you lose at chess and checkers.

Stubborness and ego

Bill O'Brien now holds the most power in the Texans buiding by anyone not named McNair. That's a scary proposition for Texans fans. His ego, stubborness, and feelings are going to drive this team into the ground. Where have I heard that before? Anyway, moving on. To say he's a spaghetti noodle over .500 for his career and has won a terrible division a couple times, he sure is full of himself. Those types of things lead to your downfall. While I didn't like the hokey aww shucks persona of Gary Kubiak or the robotic mannerisms of Dom Capers, O'Brien has rubbed me the wrong way on another level.

Waiting on the payoff

While Texans fans sit back and wonder when their team will actually be a legit contender, they'll have to do so in hopes it gets done before they waste more stars. DeAndre Hopkins and JJ Watt aren't going to be All-Pros forever. Deshaun Watson will be up for a massive contract extension soon. The window is closing and closing fast. Time waits for no man. Cal and Janice McNair may have some tough decisions coming soon, and I'm not talking about contract extensions. What do they do if this season is an abject failure? They need to take advantage of Andrew Luck retiring NOW! Moving one of the best young edge rushers for peanuts on the dollar is not a sign of going for it.

Fortunately the season is upon us. Fans no longer have to worry about when Clowney will report, or what shape will he be in, or if he'll return next year. He's gone now. Off to the land of Texans rejects in the great Northwest. This will be a turning point season in franchise history I believe. Either O'Brien will finally show off his "smarter than everyone else" mantle he's given himself with his actions, or the McNair's will clean house and start over from the ground up. I don't see this going any other way. Wait a minute...there's always historic precedence to consider. There's an extreme high probability they could go "9-7 and win the AFC South" again. To which I say to Texans fans: enjoy purgatory.

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Is Kyle Tucker at least another month away from returning? Composite Getty Image.

The latest update from Astros GM Dana Brown on the club's flagship station did not ease anyone's concerns this week. Brown said he was optimistic that Kyle Tucker would be back before September. September?

Which made us wonder what type of injury Tucker is really dealing with? A bone bruise doesn't typically take this long to heal.

Be sure to watch the video above as ESPN Houston's Joel Blank and Barry Laminack share their thoughts on Tucker's health, the Astros' secrecy when it comes to injuries, and much more!

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